Frequently Asked Questions


Many questions arise in connection to singing lessons and voice coaching. Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked.

What’s the difference between speaking and singing?

Technically, singing is nothing more than a sustained speech over a greater pitch and dynamic range. Both require the right coordination between the vocal cords and the diaphragm. This takes time and patience to master, but it is necessary if you want to have control over the sound of your voice.

What is a vocal transformation?

A vocal transformation is a journey that takes you from understanding your current speaking voice to finding your ultimate speaking voice. It consists of three steps: 1) learning the theory behind vocal production, 2) doing the exact vocal exercises you need to train your voice (such as breathing), and 3) finishing with a 1-on-1 consultation (60 minutes) to address your unique challenges and goals.

It is the most efficient way to get you on the right track toward controlling your breath, speaking with confidence, and owning your next meeting.

Can anyone learn how to sing?

Yes, anyone can. While it is true that not everyone can sound like Aretha Franklin or Pavarotti, everyone can learn to sing a few songs well and enjoy the benefits of singing.

One of the biggest misconceptions about singing is that you need to have incredible talent to be able to sing. The truth is we all have a singing voice, some just haven’t discovered theirs yet.

How much does it cost?

Think about it as an investment in yourself. A lesson costs as much as going for a nice dinner or having a massage would.

During the lesson, I dedicate myself to you, listen to your needs, and focus purely on your voice. An important part of our work together is the trust we build from the very first lesson onwards. You could also learn through YouTube videos but working with a vocal coach brings better results. A vocal coach is a person who has invested a lot of passion, time, and resources to become an expert in helping you overcome obstacles with guidance tailored just for you.

I offer a full refund, no questions asked, if the first lesson didn’t meet your expectations. Discount for a package of 10 lessons available on request.

In what languages can you teach?

I teach in English, German, Serbo-Croatian, and Slovenian.

What is the perfect age to start singing? Are your lessons suitable for my child?

Yes, you’re never too young or too old to start singing. It’s suitable for kids, teenagers, and adults. My students range from 4 to 92 years old and I adapt accordingly to the level and needs of each individual.

What is the difference between an individual lesson online and in-person?

Individual lessons are mainly held in-person at my home studio near Kreuzplatz in Seefeld Zurich. However, some of my students prefer to meet online for their 1-on-1 lessons. That way they get to enjoy the comfort of their homes and don’t have to commute. It’s perfect for people living outside of Zurich and a great choice for people who want to be flexible with their time. I encourage the idea and guarantee the same quality as in-person. However, online lessons are not ideal for children below the age of 7.

How long will it take until I learn to sing?

Learning how to sing is similar to learning a new language. The duration of the process varies greatly. It depends on the reasons behind choosing to work on your voice and the goals you have. Above all, it is related to your engagement - the more you are willing to participate and commit to practicing, the faster you will progress.

The first signs of improvement usually appear fairly quickly, often after just a few lessons. After initial improvement, there is a period of continuous work that brings significant results. This journey can last a few months but even up to a year.

I recommend my students commit to at least 10 lessons. The best results come from deciding on a clear vision of what we are trying to accomplish. The goal can be anything from getting comfortable with your voice, being able to sing a certain song without tension, or performing in front of your friends and family. This process can then be repeated until you feel you’ve achieved your desired improvement and can continue on your own. I tend to work with students for 1 hour weekly over a span of 10-30 weeks.

What styles of singing do you teach?

I teach popular as well as classical styles of singing. Being able to understand music both practically and theoretically is an advantage I have gained through 10+ years of singing in semi-professional classical choirs, releasing two funk-rock albums, and obtaining a master’s degree in musicology and ethnomusicology.

It is this knowledge that enables me to carve a learning path that suits your desires and systematically guide you through the process of learning how to sing. My goal is to support you on the journey of becoming a better singer, use your voice freely, and sing the way you want to sound like.

What do we do during a lesson and how to prepare before my first time?

During our time together we work through issues that are stopping you from using the full potential of your voice. I teach you how to use your body for speaking and singing, control your breath, and work on the quality of the released tone. We warm up, then work on a text/song or focus on learning a particular technique. After each lesson, I give you assignments and resources to progress further on your own.

If it’s your first lesson feel free to prepare a text/song you already know. Drink some water, breathe, and relax. But most importantly: get ready to have fun! 🎶

If you did not find an answer to your question, please contact me and I will get back to you.